That’s right, you read that correctly. Anyone willing to cover the entire cost of production can take over my dedication page. This will appear in both the digital and print versions.
A while back, I purchased 100 paperback copies of my book so I could do signings at a local event. On the day of the signing, I was ill. Or maybe I chickened out. Regardless, I have gobs of copies. If you’d like one, I’d be happy to sign and send one to you.
This is just a test product. This is just a test product.This is just a test product.This is just a test product.This is just a test product.This is just a test product.This is just a test product.This is just a test product.
Not only can you support my writing, but you can write this off as advertising! In my next book, I will add a list of corporate sponsors. This list will appear in both digital and print versions.
In my next book, I will add a special thanks to my sponsors and list off anyone who contributes. This list will appear in both the digital and paperback versions.
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